Do you have a physical store?
We currently do not have a physical store and are operating online 100%. We do however have occasional pop-up booths which we will broadcast on our social media platforms.
Do you conduct physical Arabic storytelling sessions?
Yes, we do! In fact, we are always open to collaboration for events. Please drop us an email at
Why are your books not according to study level eg. Primary 1, Primary 2?
We do not want to limit the students. If a student is weak in a specific Arabic component for example Verbs, he/she can use our book specialising on verbs only. Likewise, if an older student requires practice for Jama’ (plural), he/she can utilise our book on that. Also, as different school has varying curriculum, we do not constrict a book to a specific study level.
Do you have digital versions for books?
Currently, our books are all physical copies only. Our digital products are all Madrasah Entrance Test related.
Do you ship worldwide?
Yes, please drop us an email! We would love to ship our products beyond Singapore.
Where can we find your books? 
Our books are now online, and at shops in Singapore and London.
What modes of payment are accepted?
We accept all major credit cards and Paynow (Singapore). We can also cater to bank transfer for overseas purchase.
More questions? 
Feel free to fill up the form below should you have a question for us. We will get back to you as soon as can. 

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