About Us
Developing Arabic Resources Specially Tailored for Parents with Minimal Arabic Background
At The Safaa Safiyyah Publication, we offer the ultimate solution for parents seeking user-friendly Arabic resources. Our mission is to support parents with children currently attending local Madrasah, particularly those with little to no Arabic background, to enrich their children's education. Our resources are designed to be easily comprehensible and enjoyable and are specifically tailored to help students improve their language skills. We have resources to aid young ones for Madrasah Entrance Test (MET) too, and they are available in digital formats.
But that's not all! We know it's crucial to remain connected in today's digital era, which is why we create valuable content on our social media platforms. We provide learners with tips, resources, and inspiration to help them throughout their Arabic language journey. So, come join us at The Safaa Safiyyah Publication and discover the most relatable, user-friendly Arabic language resources available.
About the Founder
Maria Rahim is a mother of four. Her children are 9, 8, 6 and 5 years old. She was a Regional Operation Manager at an MNC before she left a 14 years’ career in the logistics industry to care for her Children. Maria holds a Specialist Diploma in Applied Learning and Teaching (Republic Polytechnic), a Bachelor in Logistics Operations Management (University of South Australia) and a Diploma in Logistics and Operations Management (Temasek Polytechnic). Maria began her homeschooling journey in 2019. She enjoys seeking knowledge with her Children. Three of her children are attending two different Madrasah. Her experience from preparing her Children for the Madrasah Entrance Test (with the current addition of lower primary Madrasah curriculum), she becomes conscious of what is required to ease children’s understanding of the Arabic Language in a simplified way without being overwhelming.
Est. 2021